Root Canal Treatment

Restoring Comfort and Saving Smiles

Root canal treatment relieves pain, saves teeth from extraction, restores function, prevents further infection, and maintains natural appearance and structure

Procedure, Treatment & Benefits:


The purpose of root canal treatment is to save a tooth that is severely decayed or infected, preserving it rather than extracting it.


During the procedure, the infected or damaged pulp inside the tooth is removed, cleaned, and disinfected. The tooth is then sealed to prevent further infection.


1) Consultations:

Initial consultations with a dentist or endodontist to assess the tooth’s condition and discuss treatment options.

2) Check Up:

X-rays and examinations are conducted to determine the extent of the damage and plan the treatment.

3) Treatments:

The root canal procedure is performed, involving removal of the infected pulp, cleaning, shaping, and sealing the tooth.

4) Recovery:

Following the procedure, patients may experience some discomfort or swelling, which usually subsides within a few days. Pain relief medications may be prescribed.


Patients are scheduled for follow-up appointments to monitor the tooth’s healing and ensure there are no complications.


    • Saves the natural tooth, preventing the need for extraction.
    • It relieves pain and discomfort associated with tooth decay or infection.
    • Restores function and appearance of the tooth, allowing normal chewing and biting.
    • Prevents spread of infection to surrounding teeth and tissues.
    • Long-term solution with proper care and maintenance.

1. Consultations

Expert evaluation and discussion of treatment options tailored to your needs and concerns

2. Check Up

Regular follow-up appointments to monitor healing, ensure treatment success, and maintain long-term oral health

3. Treatments

Precise removal of infected pulp, thorough cleaning, sealing, and restoration of the tooth's health and function

4. Recovery

Gradual alleviation of discomfort, restoration of normal tooth function, and return to daily activities with improved oral health

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Clinic Timings

Monday - Saturday 10am - 2pm
5pm - 9pm
Sunday Close

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