Tooth Extractions

Restoring Comfort and Oral Health with Expert Care

Tooth extraction alleviates pain, prevents infection, resolves overcrowding issues, and facilitates the placement of dental prosthetics for optimal oral health


Procedure: During a tooth extraction, the dentist numbs the area with local anesthesia. Then, using specialized tools, they gently loosen the tooth from its socket and remove it. In some cases, surgical extraction may be necessary for impacted teeth.

Benefits: Tooth extraction relieves pain and discomfort caused by severe decay, infection, or damage. It prevents the spread of infection to surrounding teeth and gums, preserving overall oral health. Additionally, extraction resolves issues such as overcrowding, facilitating orthodontic treatment. Finally, it paves the way for the placement of dental prosthetics like implants or dentures, restoring functionality and aesthetics to the smile.


Tooth Extraction: Safely Removing Problematic Teeth to Alleviate Pain and Preserve Overall Oral Health for a Brighter Smile

1. Consultations

Comprehensive assessment of oral health, discussing treatment options and addressing concerns for a tailored extraction plan.

2. Check Up

Post-extraction evaluation to monitor healing progress, assess for any complications, and provide necessary guidance for optimal recovery.

3. Treatments

Skillfully extracting the problematic tooth, ensuring patient comfort and safety throughout the procedure with expert care.

4. Recovery

Following post-operative instructions, managing discomfort, and allowing the extraction site to heal properly for restored oral health.

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Clinic Timings

Monday - Saturday 10am- 2pm
5pm - 9pm
Sunday Close

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